Facebook is a great social media marketing tool, first goal – get those likes. Second goal, improve your Edgerank to reach more customers with your meaningful Social Media content….Continue reading
Enable Magento iPhone Theme for Mobile Browsers
Do you know how many of your customers are visiting your site using a mobile device? If you don’t, take a quick look at your Google analytics and check the…Continue reading
Cannot log into Magento Admin? Magento Admin not loading? Magento Cache Refresh Script
It is possible to lock yourself out of the Magento back end admin interface simply by disabling a module which affects html rendering and stops you from logging back into…Continue reading
Media Player for Apple Darwin Live Audio Streams
I am a great fan of the Apple Darwin Media Streaming server and use it for streaming live mp3 audio content. (by live I mean content that is…Continue reading
Cross Browser Ajax / PHP File Uploader
A simple PHP ajax file uploader using XHR (HTML5) and Flash (Uploadify). Can be used as a plugin to provide cross browser file upload functionality. Can also email…Continue reading
Who hosts a Skype Audio Conference Call?
I wanted to try and find out exactly how Skype handles audio conference calls, and what the bandwidth requirements were, especially for the person who hosts the call and becomes…Continue reading

Efficient Page View Counter using PHP and Memcache
Are you looking for the most efficient way to increment a counter to use on a web page e.g. to display specific page views or amount of times an object…Continue reading

PHP Memcache & MYSQL Wrapper Classes
I needed to implement some cacheing on a website I was developing and looked around for some PHP solutions to cache the data I was generating from multiple different sql…Continue reading
Automatically Tweet New Magento Products
This is a PHP application I developed to automatically Tweet Magento products set with the New From date attribute. https://github.com/gaiterjones/magento-tweetproducts Magento Product Tweet v0.5x Introduction Prerequisites Installation Configuration Usage…Continue reading
Facebook Magento Store Front Shop Tab Application
I saw an email last week from a company offering a Facebook store front tab application service for Magento that imports your Magento products and creates a basic Magento store…Continue reading