Facebook fan page video and audio media sharing application demo

created June 20, 2012, last updated June 22, 2012.

closeThis post was last updated 11 years 9 months 2 days ago, some of the information contained here may no longer be actual and any referenced software versions may have been updated!

I wanted to integrate my favourite jQuery based media player into a Facebook application as a way to share audio and video media to promote a Facebook fan page.

The deal was to offer audio or video media in return for Liking a Facebook page (although this is optional). I also wanted a rating system for the media which could be used later together with the Social information harvested from users as a marketing opportunity.

A working demonstration is available here your comments are very welcome. You will need to connect with the app and like the Facebook page before the media will stream.

The app is written in PHP with a MySQL database, using a few jQuery plugins including jPlayer for the media player and jRating integrated with jPlayer and the database for the rating system.

Media and user information are stored in the database.

Facebook audio video media streaming application demo
Facebook audio video media streaming application demo


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